Ad Venture Forum: Sydecas, a technology for creating a sense of texture, will participate!


REVANES Corporation will hold a career forum on June 29, 2024 for university and graduate school students, post-doctoral fellows, and other young researchers in R&D ventures to recruit new graduates and recent graduates. Sydecas Corporation, a company that eliminates food restrictions through the creation of textures, has been selected to participate in this forum.

Sydecas Corporation is a venture company that aims to overcome various "food restrictions" such as diabetes, hypertension, and allergies by using NinjaPaste, a next-generation konnyaku material that has succeeded in keeping regular konnyaku in paste form without hardening it, to control food texture, moisture content, and nutritional value, and to make it an alternative to flour, eggs, dairy products, and other food ingredients. The company is developing technology to control the behavior of glucomannan, a dietary fiber in NinjaPaste, to achieve flexible molding and texture creation. Mr. Yoritama, the CEO of NinjaPaste, has been a recipient of numerous acceleration programs, as well as the Ando Momofuku Award and the Invention Discovery Encouragement Award from the Shokuso Kai (Food Creation Society) in 2023.

We are looking for enthusiastic people to join us who are interested in creating textures with new materials that combine dietary fiber, who want to utilize their abilities in researching the physical properties of materials, and who are interested in transcending food restrictions.Students, graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, and others who want to take on the challenge of world-changing R&D are invited to participate in the Adventure Forum.

<Participating companies

Sydecas Corporation

Creating a New Shape of Food
We believe that people eat not only for nutrition, but also because the act of eating itself is enjoyable. On the other hand, there are many people in the world with food restrictions such as diabetes, high blood sugar, obesity, allergies, etc. In order to overcome such "food restrictions," enjoy "eating" and enhance wellbeing for all people, we have focused on the function of dietary fiber. In particular, we are developing technologies for binding and forming and creating textures using glucomannan, a dietary fiber from konnyaku, an ancient Japanese plant-based healthy food ingredient that behaves in a unique way.

Add Venture Forum Overview
Ad Venture Forum is a place where young research personnel such as students and post-doctoral fellows and venture companies can meet under the theme of "Discovering new opportunities for researchers".

Ad Venture Forum in Osaka
Date: Saturday, June 29, 2024, 13:00-17:30
Place: Osaka Science & Technology Center
Participants: 40 students and post-doctoral fellows
Exhibitors: 9 companies
EAGLYS Corporation, INOCA Corporation, ACSL Corporation, Kenrobotech Corporation, Sydecas Corporation, FiberCraze Corporation, PITTAN Corporation, MOLMIL Corporation, Liverness Corporation

<Schedule of the day>
13:00-13:15 Opening Ceremony
13:15-13:45 1min QP presentation by a venture company
14:14-15:00 Booth Session 1
15:00-15:45 Booth Session 2
15:45-16:30 Booth Session 3
16:45-17:30 Closing Ceremony and Networking

How to Participate:
Pre-registration (free of charge) is required. After registering your Leave a Nest ID, please click the link below to register by filling out the required information.

Application form →.
