With knowledge and passion, we take on adventure.

Add Venture Forum

Entrepreneurship for All Researchers

The young researchers who have a passion to "contribute to society through research" and are currently conducting research at universities; the venture companies that aim to "develop and implement products that do not exist in the world in order to solve social issues, and the medium-sized enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises that have stepped forward to "take on the challenge of making a new social contribution by combining their existing strengths with cutting-edge technology. We at Leave a Nest have named the quest to realize these passions as "Add Venture," and we are arranging projects to accelerate this trend.



<3月9日>ベンチャービルダープログラム『Germination Reactor 』 キックオフイベント開催!
Kick-off event for the venture builder program "Germination Reactor" was held!
ベンチャーで活躍する博士:「誰もわからない」 「やり方は決まっていない」「解は複数ある」は最高の環境
Dr. Kohji Kato, a venture capitalist: "No one knows," "There is no set way," and "There are multiple solutions" is the best environment.
アド・ベンチャーフォーラム 参加者の声
Ad Venture Forum Participant Testimonials
Mobile Internet Capital to Hire Interns at AVF Tokyo on 11/10
News List


【共同研究・連携事例】fabulaと東京都立産業技術高等専門学校 山西さんの共同プロジェクト開始
Joint Research and Cooperation] fabula and Mr. Yamanishi of Tokyo Metropolitan College of Industrial Technology launched a joint project.
【共同研究・連携事例】アグリライト研究所と和歌山高専 福本さんの共同プロジェクト開始
Joint Research and Collaboration Case Study] Agri-Light Research Institute and Wakayama National College of Technology Commence Joint Project with Mr. Fukumoto
【共同プロジェクト】MACHICOCOと福山大学  村上さんとの共同プロジェクト開始 
Joint Project] MACHICOCO and Fukuyama University Murakami-san start a joint project.
【共同研究・連携事例】山田商会ホールディングと神戸大学大学院 小倉さんとの共同プロジェクト開始
Yamada Shokai Holding and Kobe University Graduate School of Engineering, Ogura University, launched a joint project.
List of Cooperation Cases