FiberCraze, a company that solves global problems with sustainable nano-porous fibers, is now accepting applications for participation!


LIVERNESS Corporation is pleased to announce that a career forum for R&D ventures will be held in Osaka on Saturday, June 29, 2024, for young researchers, including master's, doctoral, and post-doctoral researchers working at universities and graduate schools, to recruit research personnel. FiberCraze Corporation, which solves global problems with sustainable nanoporous fibers, has been selected to participate in this forum.

FiberCraze, Inc. is a venture company that aims to solve social issues around the world through a wide range of approaches, from healthcare to industrial materials, based on the vision of "weaving together the future of humanity and the earth through microscopic technology. Using technology developed at Gifu University, the company is developing highly functional materials by creating microscopic "holes" in fibers and film materials to trap specific ingredients. One of the issues we are focusing on is mosquito-borne infectious diseases such as dengue fever and malaria in developing countries such as Southeast Asia. Preventing mosquito bites is the key to prevention, so we are developing clothes, mosquito nets, bed sheets, and other products by adding ingredients to fibers that are effective in insect repellents.

Students, graduate students and post-doctoral fellows who wish to update the potential of materials with technology and take on the challenge of creating new world-class products are welcome to join us at the Adventure Forum.

<Participating companies
FiberCraze Corporation 

Creating world-class materials
FiberCraze develops highly functional materials using a technology developed from basic research at Gifu University that creates microscopic "holes" in fibers and film materials to trap ingredients. By adding new functions to materials, we aim to solve global issues while expanding the possibilities of materials in all fields.

Recruitment page:

Add Venture Forum Overview
Ad Venture Forum is a place where young research personnel such as students and post-doctoral fellows and venture companies can meet under the theme of "Discovering new opportunities for researchers".

Ad Venture Forum in Osaka
Date: Saturday, June 29, 2024, 13:00-17:30
Place: Osaka Science & Technology Center
Participants: 40 students and post-doctoral fellows
Exhibitors: 9 companies
EAGLYS Corporation, INOCA Corporation, ACSL Corporation, Kenrobotech Corporation, Sydecas Corporation, FiberCraze Corporation, PITTAN Corporation, MOLMIL Corporation, Liverness Corporation

<Schedule of the day>
13:00-13:15 Opening Ceremony
13:15-13:45 1min QP presentation by a venture company
14:14-15:00 Booth Session 1
15:00-15:45 Booth Session 2
15:45-16:30 Booth Session 3
16:45-17:30 Closing Ceremony and Networking

How to Participate:
Pre-registration (free of charge) is required. After registering your Leave a Nest ID, please click the link below to register by filling out the required information.

Application form →.
