Ad-Venture Forum: Kenrobotech, a labor-saving and manpower-saving robot for construction sites, will participate!

【参加学生募集中】アド・ベンチャーフォーラム:建設現場の省力化・省人化ロボットの 建ロボテックが参加決定!

LIVERNESS Corporation is pleased to announce that it will hold a career forum on June 29, 2024 for university and graduate school students, post-doctoral fellows, and other young researchers in research and development ventures to recruit new graduates and recent graduates. To this forum.Kenrobotech Corporation, which is engaged in labor-saving and manpower-saving robots for construction sites.Participation has been decided.

Kenrobotech Corporation has a vision of "Making construction sites easier and more enjoyable by creating new value. In 2020, the company will begin selling the "Rebar Binding Tomorobo," a rebar tying robot that performs rebar tying. which performs rebar tying. Since then, the company has released a series of cooperative robots that "work together with people" to automate simple tasks in construction work, including the "Large Diameter Binding Tomorobo," which supports large diameters for civil engineering and infrastructure work, and the "Transport Tomorobo," which carries heavy construction materials.

As long as human activity continues, construction demand will be maintained at a reasonable level. There is no limit to our challenge to make the construction industry "easy and fun" through new wisdom and technology. We invite all students, graduate students, and post-doctoral fellows who share the passion of Kenrobotech and wish to take on the challenge of solving global problems while growing together, to join us at the Adventure Forum.

<Participating companies

Kenrobotech Corporation

Creating the World's Most People-Friendly Workplace
Kenrobotech provides labor-saving and manpower-saving solutions that truly promote "productivity improvement" and "reduction of worker workload" to the construction industry, which is facing labor shortages due to the aging of the construction industry and the joblessness of younger workers. We contribute to the sound evolution and development of the construction industry through "practical solutions developed onsite," including the Tomorobo series of cooperative robots that work together with people and the "Hayatetsu," a labor-saving product for rebar work.

Recruitment page:

Add Venture Forum Overview
Ad Venture Forum is a place where young research personnel such as students and post-doctoral fellows and venture companies can meet under the theme of "Discovering new opportunities for researchers".

Date: Saturday, June 29, 2024, 13:00-17:30
Place: Osaka Science & Technology Center
Participants: 40 students and post-doctoral fellows
Exhibitors: 9 companies
EAGLYS Corporation, INOCA Corporation, ACSL Corporation, Kenrobotech Corporation, Sydecas Corporation, FiberCraze Corporation, PITTAN Corporation, MOLMIL Corporation, Liverness Corporation

<Schedule of the day>
13:00-13:15 Opening Ceremony
13:15-13:45 1min QP presentation by a venture company
14:14-15:00 Booth Session 1
15:00-15:45 Booth Session 2
15:45-16:30 Booth Session 3
16:45-17:30 Closing Ceremony and Networking

How to Participate:
Pre-registration (free of charge) is required. After registering your Leave a Nest ID, please click the link below to register by filling out the required information.

Application form →.
