Panel Session] "The Realities of Ad Ventures: Experiences and Attractiveness for Researchers" will be held.

【パネルセッション】「 アド・ベンチャーのリアル〜経験談から研究者にとっての魅力に迫る〜」を開催します 

Ad held on Saturday, November 2.Venture Forum in Osakawill hold a panel session, "The Realities of Ad Ventures - What Makes Them Attractive for Researchers Based on Their Experiences". In this session, we will have two speakers who have research experience and have joined a venture company. Based on their real voices, including their reasons for joining the venture and their experiences after joining the company, the session will focus on the unique attractiveness of venture companies for researchers.
The Ad Venture Forum is a great opportunity to experience how your research experience can help you in your interactions with venture firms! We hope you will join us!

Panel Discussion Outline
The Realities of Ad Ventures - Experiences and Attractiveness for Researchers

Held at the Ad Venture Forum in Osaka
Saturday, November 2, 2024, 13:00 Start
Place: Osaka Science & Technology Center


Agri-Light Research Institute, Inc.
Project Manager Researcher
Mr. Takeshi Kitano

(Brief biography)
From an agricultural family in Kumamoto Prefecture
Graduated from Laboratory of Plant Genetics, Nagahama Institute of Bio-Science and Technology, Nagahama, Japan.
Mushroom production and sales company, where he learned how to build a closed environment and production techniques.
Acquired bioinformatics technology at an IT venture company
Acquired actual operation techniques as an on-site manager of a plant factory with a daily production of approximately 6,000 plants
Researcher and PM at Agri-Light Research Institute, Inc.

(Business description)
The following three main tasks are performed on a daily basis.
(1) Contract testing and consulting services.
(2) Schedule management and human resource management as PM for various projects.
(iii) Through employee training, the company is building and raising the level of its internal team structure.


Hutzper, Inc.
AI Engineer, West Japan AI Engineering Department, Research & Development Division
Mr. Shogo Sasaguchi

Graduated from Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Department of Advanced Science and Engineering, Information Science Program
The research theme is the analysis of combustion features in engines using machine learning.
He participated in a joint research project with a major automobile manufacturer to analyze (modeling) the inside of an engine and was in charge of software development as a long-term intern, gaining practical experience since his student days.
He met Futsupar at a recruiting event, and after receiving an offer to join Futsupar as a new graduate, he joined the company in April 2024 after a one-year internship period fully remotely from Hiroshima.
After joining the company, he was in charge of algorithm implementation for image recognition AI services, etc.

Leave a Nest
Human Resources Development Division
Miyuki Shigenaga

D. in Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University. D. in Chemistry. D. in Chemistry from Tohoku University, Japan. In 2019, he joined the editorial board of incu-be, a research career support magazine for young researchers, and has been proposing the path of "commercialization" as a career option for young researchers. Currently, he belongs to the Human Resource Development Division, where he is engaged in various training programs and commercialization support with the theme of diversifying the way researchers live and work.
