Ad Venture Forum: fabula, the world's first company to develop new waste-derived materials, will participate in the forum!

【参加学生募集中】アド・ベンチャーフォーラム 世界初の廃棄物由来の新素材開発で注目のfabulaが参加決定!

Ltd. is pleased to announce the launch of a new career forum for young researchers, such as master's, doctoral, and post-doctoral researchers working at universities and graduate schools, called "REVANES, Inc.Add Venture Forum in Tokyowill be held in Tokyo on Sunday, November 10, 2024. fabula Corporation, which develops innovative new materials from food waste, has been selected to participate in this forum.

fabula Corporation is a venture company with the world's first technology to create new materials from various food waste, such as out-of-spec vegetables and scraps from food processing. The material developed by the company has about four times the bending strength of concrete, and is expected to be used for building materials in the future. With this groundbreaking technology, the company is simultaneously approaching two social issues: solving the problem of food waste disposal and creating new sustainable materials.

Since its inception, fabula has received multiple awards for its innovative technology and social impact. fabula is a high-profile venture company that has won multiple awards. in 2023, fabula will be a part of the Tech Planter program, "Foodtech Grand Prix 2023fabula was awarded the Grand Prize at the "FABULA, Inc. Many major media outlets have covered fabula's efforts, and the company is making steady progress toward business expansion. In addition, fabula's core technology was developed in the Sakai Laboratory of the Institute of Industrial Science at the University of Tokyo, and the company is taking on a wide range of challenges, including the development of next-generation concrete that does not require adhesive materials, as well as technology to create new materials from food waste.

Right now, we are looking for a fusion of knowledge from a wide variety of fields, including materials engineering, environmental science, biochemistry, and agriculture. If you share our vision of "creating excitement from garbage" and want to take on the challenge of world-changing research and development, please join us at the Adventure Forum and fabula's booth.

<Participating Company Information>
fabula Corporation

Creating Inspiration from Trash
The company aims to contribute to a wide range of fields from the construction industry to daily necessities by utilizing out-of-spec vegetables and scraps from food processing to create high-strength and environmentally friendly materials.

Add Venture Forum Overview
Under the theme of "Discovering New Opportunities for Researchers," the Add Venture Forum will feature short seminars for students and young researchers, as well as booth sessions where a diverse range of researchers can interact with R&D ventures.

Date: Sunday, November 10, 2024, 13:00-17:30
Location: COG (Center of Garage)
1-16-3 Yokogawa, Sumida-ku, Tokyo 130-0003, Japan
Participants: 40 students and post-doctoral fellows

Exhibitors: 12 companies (tentative)
Cell Fiber Corporation
ugo Corporation
Liberaware Inc.
Yamada Shokai Holding Co.
Mobile Internet Capital, Inc.
Sankei Engineering Co.
fabula Corporation
Leave a Nest CAPITAL
Liverness Corporation and others

<Schedule of the day>
13:00-13:30 Opening Ceremony and Short Seminar
13:30-14:15 1min QP presentation by a venture company
14:15-15:00 Booth Session 1
15:00-15:45 Booth Session 2
15:45-16:30 Booth Session 3
16:30-17:30 Closing Ceremony and Networking

How to Participate:
Pre-registration (free of charge) is required. After registering your Leave a Nest ID, please click the link below to register by filling out the required information.

Click here to apply.
