Ad Venture Forum "Branding to Accelerate Tech Ventures" professional group MANN will participate!

【参加学生募集中】アド・ベンチャーフォーラム 「テックベンチャーを加速するブランディング」のプロ集団MANNの参加決定!

LIVERNESS Corporation is pleased to announce the launch of a career forum for young researchers, including master's, doctoral, and post-doctoral students, who are conducting research at universities and graduate schools, called "LIVERNESSAdd Venture Forum in Tokyowill be held on Sunday, November 10, 2024 in Tokyo, Japan. a professional group of "Branding to Accelerate Deep Tech Ventures", has been selected to participate in this forum.

MANN Inc. is a venture company with the mission of "Accelerating the resolution of global issues through branding. The bigger the challenge, the more people are needed to solve it. The company has many members who are strong in "creating words" and have a high level of understanding of technology and research and development. In addition to the business content and business model, we understand the technology and knowledge owned by the company, and our branding objective is to "gather colleagues to solve problems" by putting the vision and mission of the deep-tech venture into words that can be spread throughout the world.

The company is looking for people who will participate in the project from its inception and take on a wide range of tasks, from concept planning to website production and support for public relations activities, and work together to create a new way of branding as a companion to a venture that will change the world.

Students, graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, and others who want to take on the challenge of world-changing R&D are encouraged to attend the Adventure Forum.

<Participating companies

MANN Corporation

Accelerating Global Problem Solving with Branding

MANN, a member of the LIVERNESS Group, helps companies brand themselves to attract fellow problem solvers through "creating words.

Recruitment page:

Add Venture Forum Overview

Under the theme of "Discovering New Opportunities for Researchers," the Add Venture Forum will feature short seminars for students and young researchers, as well as booth sessions where a diverse range of researchers can interact with R&D ventures.


Date: Sunday, November 10, 2024, 13:00-17:30
Location: COG (Center of Garage)
1-16-3 Yokogawa, Sumida-ku, Tokyo 130-0003, Japan
Participants: 40 students and post-doctoral fellows

<Schedule of the day>

13:00-13:30 Opening Ceremony and Short Seminar
13:30-14:15 1min QP presentation by a venture company
14:15-15:00 Booth Session 1
15:00-15:45 Booth Session 2
15:45-16:30 Booth Session 3
16:30-17:30 Closing Ceremony and Networking

How to Participate:

Pre-registration (free of charge) is required. After registering your Leave a Nest ID, please click the link below to register by filling out the required information.

Click here to apply.Application Form
