Mobile Internet Capital (MIC), which invests in innovative companies, will participate in the Ad Venture Forum Tokyo!


Mobile Internet Capital (MIC), a venture capital (VC) firm that invests in innovative startups in the telecommunications, IT, and other technology fields, will participate in the Ad Venture Forum Tokyo to be held on Sunday, November 10, 2024, by Liverness Inc. MIC will participate in the event.


MIC is a VC firm that has invested in 22 venture companies that have gone public and currently manages a fund of over 10 billion yen. MIC's investment philosophy is "to invest in startups that have core value without being influenced by short-term trends" and "to invest in startups that have a good impact on society," and it invests in a wide range of companies from early-stage startups to pre-listed companies.


The company has a bioinformatics-based enzyme development technology called ".digzyme", a plant factory that uses cutting-edge agricultural technology to grow and provide high-quality strawberries.Oishii FarmThe company will develop a cooperative robot that can automate simple tasks in construction work.Kenrobotechand other investments in the deep tech sector.


We are looking for people with a passion for "creating new industries with technologies originating in Japan," such as those who are interested in starting their own businesses utilizing their own research, or those who want to learn about business and venture investment. Students, graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, and others who want to take on the challenge of world-changing research and development are invited to participate in the Adventure Forum.


<Participating companies Mobile Internet Capital


Add Venture Forum Overview

Under the theme of "Discovering New Opportunities for Researchers," the Add Venture Forum will feature short seminars for students and young researchers, as well as booth sessions where a diverse range of researchers can interact with R&D ventures. 


Date and Time: Sunday, November 10, 2024, 13:00-17:30

Place: Center of Garage, 1-16-3 Yokogawa, Sumida-ku, Tokyo

Participants: 40 students and post-doctoral fellows

Application: Pre-registration (free of charge) is required.

Exhibitors: 12 companies (tentative)

  • Cell Fiber Corporation
  • ugo Corporation
  • Riveraware Corporation
  • Yamada Shokai Holding Co.
  • Mobile Internet Capital, Inc.
  • Sankei Engineering Co.
  • Leave a Nest CAPITAL
  • fabula Corporation
  • Liverness Corporation and others


<Schedule of the day>

13:00-13:30 Opening Ceremony and Short Seminar

13:30-14:15 1min QP presentation by a venture company

14:15-15:00 Booth Session 1

15:00-15:45 Booth Session 2

15:45-16:30 Booth Session 3

16:30-17:30 Closing Ceremony and Networking

