
Ad Venture Forum Tokyo Spring 2025(November 2024)

Center of Garage (COG)

"Working at a Venture Company"A New Research Career Option

Many young researchers at universities have a passion for "contributing to society through research". Research and development ventures that aim to "develop products that do not exist and implement products in the world to solve social issues" are the perfect place to demonstrate their abilities.

Add Venture Forum is a place where young researchers such as students and post-doctoral fellows and venture companies can meet under the theme of "Discovering New Opportunities for Researchers". We have prepared booth sessions where company managers and employees and participants can freely discuss "future research themes and issues" and "what we want to contribute to society". Come and discover new ways to make the most of your research, new ways of working, and new ways of living that are not bound by stereotypes.

Researcher's Voice
  • Ventures have become a more realistic option.
  • It gave me a chance to think about my career from a broader perspective, including doctoral studies.
  • We visited companies for discussion at a later date.
Venture's Voice
  • We were able to meet people who can work together to tackle social issues.
  • We gained a long-term intern.
  • We were able to find a joint research partner.


Mobile Internet Capital to Hire Interns at AVF Tokyo on 11/10
Selected Add Venture Scholarship Recipients
レジリエンスとエンジニアリングの力で未来のインフラをつくる 山田商会ホールディングが参加決定!
Building the Infrastructure of the Future with the Power of Resilience and Engineering Yamada Shokai Holding has been selected to participate!
Cell Fiber, which is taking on the challenge of innovative cell mass production with "Cell Fiber," has decided to participate!
Read more


Date and Time
2024.11.10 [Sun] 13:00-17:30
Center of Garage (COG)
1-16-3 Yokogawa, Sumida-ku, Tokyo
Google Map
Participation Target
Graduate students, post-doctoral fellows and young researchers
R&D Ventures
Contact Us
Human Development Division, Leave a Nest
Contact: Kusu and Dateyama
Mail: [email protected]
Tel: 03-5227-4198


13:00 opening ceremony
13:25 Short Seminar "The 'QPMI Cycle' to make your 1min self-introduction powerful".

Please take one minute to introduce yourself!" What kind of self-introduction do you give when you are asked to do such a thing at a conference, workshop, job search, or any other situation where you meet new people?

Self-introduction is a gateway to get others interested in you, and it is a surprisingly important act that determines the direction in which you will expand your conversation thereafter. In this article, we will show you how to create a powerful "one-minute self-introduction" that will give you the power to gather the friends you need in situations where you are trying to develop your own career, such as when you want to accelerate your research or expand your own career.

13:30 1min QP presentation by a venture company
14:15 Booth Session 1

The general explanation booth, in which students visit booths and listen to explanations of companies, will only produce the expected encounters. The company booths at the Add Venture Forum are "booths where students can discover new career possibilities through interactive communication in different fields.

15:00 Booth Session 2
15:45 Booth Session 3
16:30 Ad Venture Pitch/ Social Event

It will be set up as a fund for activities to realize ideas generated through free discussions between companies and participating students at booth sessions on "joint research, development, and demonstration experiments that take advantage of each other's strengths," "activities to gather colleagues from different fields," and "what you can contribute to society by utilizing your own knowledge. Those who present "Ad-Venture Pitches" of what they would like to do together with participating companies will receive an Ad-Venture Scholarship (up to 100,000 yen) if selected.
This is a unique opportunity for students to communicate directly with companies and gain experience in "joint research and activities," "holding seminars," and "opportunities for collaboration with industry" on their own. We look forward to your participation.

