【アド・ベンチャーフォーラムin 大阪】微量液体分析機器を用いたヘルスケアサービスを提供するPITTANが参加決定!
PITTAN, which provides healthcare services using micro-liquid analyzers, will participate in the Ad Venture Forum in Osaka!
MOLMIL, a company that develops "Molecule to Mill" drug discovery platform technology, will participate in the AdVenture Forum!
【参加学生募集中】アド・ベンチャーフォーラム:建設現場の省力化・省人化ロボットの 建ロボテックが参加決定!
Ad-Venture Forum: Kenrobotech, a labor-saving and manpower-saving robot for construction sites, will participate!
FiberCraze, a company that solves global problems with sustainable nano-porous fibers, is now accepting applications for participation!
Ad Venture Forum: INOCA, an environmental transfer technology company, will participate in the Ad Venture Forum!
Ad Venture Forum: Sydecas, a technology for creating a sense of texture, will participate!
【Add Venture Forum開催報告】アド・ベンチャーフォーラム2024 in 東京 
Add Venture Forum 2024 in Tokyo
【開催報告】アド・ベンチャーフォーラム in 東京(2024.4) 
Report】Ad Venture Forum in Tokyo (2024.4)
【アド・ベンチャーフォーラムin大阪】セミナー開催!「『kenQ Pich』であなたの研究紹介をパワフルにしよう!」
Ad Venture Forum in Osaka] Seminar! Make your research introduction powerful with "kenQ Pich"!
【アド・ベンチャーフォーラムin 大阪】国産産業用ドローンのACSLと 秘密計算のEAGLYSが参加決定!
ACSL, a domestic industrial drone company, and EAGLYS, a secret computation company, will participate in the Ad Venture Forum in Osaka!