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【開催報告】2024年11月2日にアド・ベンチャーフォーラム in 大阪を開催しました。
Ad Venture Forum in Osaka was held on November 2, 2024.
「アド・ベンチャー奨学金」開始! 社会と繋がる「共同研究・活動等」を参加企業と構想し、チャレンジする学生に奨学金最大10万円を提供
Ad Venture Scholarship" started! Providing up to 100,000 yen in scholarships to students who are willing to take on the challenge of "joint research and activities" with participating companies that are connected to society.
NEDO事業 2024年度「大学発スタートアップにおける経営人材確保支援事業(MPM)」に採択されました
Our project has been selected for NEDO's FY2024 "Project to Support University Startups in Securing Management Personnel (MPM)".
ugo, which is taking on the challenge of a serious labor shortage with its business DX robot, has been selected to participate in the event!
【参加者募集中】世界を変えるベンチャーを支えるプロフェッショナル集団 リバネスキャピタルが参加決定!
The professional group that supports ventures that change the world, LIVERNESS CAPITAL, will participate in the event!
【「Add Venture Forum開催報告】2024年6月29日にアド・ベンチャーフォーラム in 大阪を開催しました。
Report on Add Venture Forum] "Add Venture Forum in Osaka" was held on June 29, 2024.
【アド・ベンチャーフォーラムin 大阪】微量液体分析機器を用いたヘルスケアサービスを提供するPITTANが参加決定!
PITTAN, which provides healthcare services using micro-liquid analyzers, will participate in the Ad Venture Forum in Osaka!
MOLMIL, a company that develops "Molecule to Mill" drug discovery platform technology, will participate in the AdVenture Forum!
【参加学生募集中】アド・ベンチャーフォーラム:建設現場の省力化・省人化ロボットの 建ロボテックが参加決定!
Ad-Venture Forum: Kenrobotech, a labor-saving and manpower-saving robot for construction sites, will participate!
FiberCraze, a company that solves global problems with sustainable nano-porous fibers, is now accepting applications for participation!