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レジリエンスとエンジニアリングの力で未来のインフラをつくる 山田商会ホールディングが参加決定!
Building the Infrastructure of the Future with the Power of Resilience and Engineering Yamada Shokai Holding has been selected to participate!
【参加学生募集中】アド・ベンチャーフォーラム 「最新テクノロジーを確かな労働力に。」をミッションに、独自のAIサービスで製造業の課題を解決するフツパーが参加決定!
[Call for Participating Students] Add Venture Forum "Implement the cutting-edge technology as a reliable workforce." Hutzper, a company that solves problems in the manufacturing industry with its unique AI service, has been selected to participate in the forum!
Mobile Internet Capital (MIC), which invests in innovative companies, will participate in the Ad Venture Forum Tokyo!
Liberaware, a developer of ultra-narrow space inspection drones, will participate in the Ad Venture Forum Tokyo!
Cell Fiber, which is taking on the challenge of innovative cell mass production with "Cell Fiber," has decided to participate!
【参加学生募集中】アド・ベンチャーフォーラム 「テックベンチャーを加速するブランディング」のプロ集団MANNの参加決定!
Ad Venture Forum "Branding to Accelerate Tech Ventures" professional group MANN will participate!
「アド・ベンチャー奨学金」開始! 社会と繋がる「共同研究・活動等」を参加企業と構想し、チャレンジする学生に奨学金最大10万円を提供
Ad Venture Scholarship" started! Providing up to 100,000 yen in scholarships to students who are willing to take on the challenge of "joint research and activities" with participating companies that are connected to society.
【アド・ベンチャーフォーラムin大阪】セミナー開催!「『kenQ Pich』であなたの研究紹介をパワフルにしよう!」
Ad Venture Forum in Osaka] Seminar! Make your research introduction powerful with "kenQ Pich"!
【参加学生募集中】アド・ベンチャーフォーラム 世界で唯一の養豚を起点にしたデータソリューション企業、Eco-Porkが参加決定!
Eco-Pork, the world's only data solution company based on pig farming, will participate in the Ad Venture Forum!
レジリエンスとエンジニアリングの力で未来のインフラをつくる 山田商会ホールディングが参加決定!
Building the Infrastructure of the Future with the Power of Resilience and Engineering Yamada Shokai Holding has been selected to participate!