Joint Project] MACHICOCO and Fukuyama University Murakami-san start a joint project.

【共同プロジェクト】MACHICOCOと福山大学  村上さんとの共同プロジェクト開始 

Breaking and Creating Monozukuri Classrooms

At the Ad Venture Forum, participants are invited to submit proposals for joint research themes with exhibiting companies.Ad Venture ScholarshipAfter the selection process, joint research based on the theme selected for the scholarship was initiated.

Adopted Theme

Theme name: "Break and Create" Monozukuri Classroom

Company: MACHICOCO Corporation

Researcher: Mr. Rikimaru Murakami, Fukuyama University

Below are the scholarship applications from students

Details of Cooperation

When we want to learn something new, sometimes the first step in learning is to imitate what we see as a model. Manufacturing and research are no exception, and it all starts with studying and trying to imitate the examples that have preceded us. In this theme, the objective is to disassemble one Showa era home appliance or device, learn its structure, and make the same or better one by thinking for oneself in order to have a deeper, more enjoyable, and thoughtful experience in manufacturing.

Reason for applicant's application

My own experience in manufacturing began with disassembling home appliances, and I have learned to a certain extent on my own while thinking about what kind of structure and what function the disassembled parts have. Disassembly itself is not difficult, and I want people to feel the depth and fun of manufacturing by actually touching the parts and checking the structure.

Applicant's vision for the future

We would like to hold a craft class where participants can disassemble a record player and make their own original player and receive feedback from them.

Future Plans

End of December Meeting to discuss the schedule for the craft class (to decide who is eligible for the class and how long the class will last)

January: Craft workshop test conducted (for students at Fukuyama University)

Latter half of January: Revision of the schedule for the craft workshop, report on the results of the test

February- Craft Workshop Main Implementation

Participating Partner Companies Wanted】】 【Partnerships

Ad Venture Forum is looking for exhibitors. If you are interested, please feel free to contact us.
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